Bar Convent.

The Convent of the Institute of St. Mary (The Bar Convent).

A Roman Catholic convent set up in 1686 with a girls boarding school. The bar Convent is now the oldest living convent in England. The school was run by the convent for 299 years becoming eventually The Bar Convent Grammar School for Girls. In 1986 the school became part of the comprehensive All Saints Catholic School.

The building fronting on Blossom Street was built 1766-68 and since the loss of the school function the Convent has opened hotel facilities.

The building on the left, on the corner of Nunnery Lane, was rebuilt from an early 18th century house in 1844-5 as the Poor School.

Photo: taken 3 June 2007.
Photo Copyright Dave Woodcock 2008.

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