Class 12inch 2-2-2

Class Details
Charles Taylear 2-2-2, 3 locomotives.
Cyl: 12 x 16; DW 8ft.
Some of the first locomotives ordered for the GWR by Brunel.

BR #GWR #Great Western Railway: Broad Gauge #NameBuiltWdrn1950 shedLast shedNotesPhotos
Apollo18381867Rebuilt to a 2-2-2T with cyl 15 x 18.
Venus18381870Withdrawn in 1843 but rebuilt as a 2-2-2T and returned to service in 1846: Cyl: 15 x 18; DW: 6 ft.

Number of locomotives logged in this class is 3.

Number of locomotives with photos available in this class: 0.