Class RR AP 0-6-2T

Class Details
Hudswell Clarke design.
Weight: 63 tons; Pressure: 175psi; Cyls: 18 x26; DW: 5ft 0; TE: 22,060 lbs.
Designed for passanger work and similar to the P1 class but fitted with larger side tanks and bunkers and a superheated boiler.

BR #GWR #Rhymney Railway #NameBuiltWdrn1950 shedLast shedNotesPhotos
787835Aug 1921Aug 195588D88A - Cardiff Radyr
797936Aug 1921Jul 195588D88A - Cardiff Radyr
808037Nov 1921Jan 195488D88A - Cardiff Radyr
818138Nov 1921Apr 195488D88D - Merthyr

Number of locomotives logged in this class is 4.

Number of locomotives with photos available in this class: 3.