Class G16 4-8-0T

Class Details
Urie LSWR Class G16, 4 engines built.
Weight: 95 tons; Pressure: 180psi; Cyls: 22x28; DW: 5ft 1; TE: 33,990lbs.
Built for dealing with transfer freight at Feltham hump marshelling yards.

BR #SR #London & South Western Railway #NameBuiltWdrn1950 shedLast shedNotesPhotos
30492492Jul 1921Jan 195970B70B Feltham
30493493Jul 1921Jan 196070B70B Feltham
30494494Aug 1921Dec 196270B70B Feltham
30495495Aug 1921Dec 196270B70B Feltham

Number of locomotives logged in this class is 4.

Number of locomotives with photos available in this class: 3.