Class Rennie 2-2-2

Class Details
Rennie singles, 2-2-2 locomotives 5 in total.
First built with inside cylinders, rebuilt with outside cylinders to curb axel breakage.

BR #SR #London & South Western Railway #NameBuiltWdrn1950 shedLast shedNotesPhotos
22GiraffeJun 1838Sep 1871Rebuilt 1842 and 1855
23AntelopeJul 1838Nov 1871Rebuilt 1842 and 1855
24ElkSep 1838Jul 1871Rebuilt 1841 and 1856
25ReindeerOct 1838Jan 1872Rebuilt 1842 and 1856
26GazelleNov 1838Aug 1854Rebuilt 1842

Number of locomotives logged in this class is 5.

Number of locomotives with photos available in this class: 1.