16 - 24 Coney Street

16-22 built about 1500 24 built about 1600.

Number 24 Coney Street (first from the right, first floor jettied) is the younger of the set being built about 1600, initially with both first and second floors jettied. In the mid-1700s the second floor jetty was removed giving the front now seen.

Numbers 16-22 Coney Street, the next three houses with 16/18 on the corner of New Street, were built around 1500. In the 1700s the fronts were plastered and the windows altered. In 1927 number 16/18 was renovated with the removal of the plaster.

New Street view of 16/18.

Photo: taken 19 March 2006
Photo Copyright Dave Woodcock 2008.

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This page last modified Wednesday, 14 January 2009.     Site owner: Dave Woodcock, who is solely responsible for the site contents.