York Within the Walls: Jubbergate


North east end, junction with Silver Street and Little Shambles with Newgate ahead.
North east end, junction with Silver Street and Little Shambles with Newgate ahead.


Other Views


Name Derivation
House ahead.

Sketch Map

Bear Left
Turn Left
Turn Right
Turn Back

Jubbergate is pedestrianised and a part of Newgate Market.

This is a mere remnant of the original Jubbergate, cut through when Parliament Street, from Pavement to St Sampson's Square, was created in 1825. Jubbergate originally ran from Coney Street through to Silver Street / Little Shambles. The longest stretch of the cut Jubbergate from Coney Street to the new Parliament Street was renamed Market Street.

On the left is Silver Street leading to St. Sampson's Square and on the right is Little Shambles and the main body of Newgate Market. Newgate itself is ahead on the left.

Photo: taken 2 February 2006. Photo Copyright Dave Woodcock 2008.

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This page last modified Wednesday, 14 January 2009.     Site owner: Dave Woodcock, who is solely responsible for the site contents.